Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Journal Post 8 - Article Crituqe

I just read an intersting article from Kathy Schrock. The article was in regards to a new serviceable document camera for the ipad. The equipment would allow the user to  stream the images from any Ipevo document camera wirelessly to your iPad or computer with their WS-01 Wireless Station. The article carried video demonstrations and other resources. My biggest issue with the post was the language and un deserved credit that Ms. Schrock gave to the reader. Being that I myself am not tech savy and that my nacular may not be up to par with some computer and program users, I will admit that I often got lost reading the short article. I think that a simpler or more depth article would safice not only to previous readers but also to the new readers as well. All the less the article was very informative in regards to the ipevo software that can be used with the ipad.

1 comment:

  1. Your hyperlink to Kathy Schrock's post did not work, but I found it. There are many posts on her blog and it is too bad you didn't find one that might have been more to your level of 'tech'! :) The point of the assignment was more to reflect on how you might relate to the edublogger's insights and when you can't relate, it is difficult to do. In this case, do you have an iPad that you would want to wirelessly connect a document camera? How would you use it in your classroom?
